

Publications, papers and articles highlighting our expert knowledge

Influence of Non-Scheduled Vibrations on the Lifetime Extension of Wind Turbines

Andreä A., Moritz U.:
Einfluss nicht planmäßiger Schwingungen auf die Weiterbetriebsdauer von Windenergieanlagen“ (Influence of Non-Scheduled Vibrations on the Life Time Extension of Wind Turbines), 9th VDI Conference Vibrations of Wind Turbines 2018 – Bremen, Germany 2018

Quality Assurance in Wind Resource Measurements for Wind Farm Projects

Andreä A., Thiel Chr.:
“Garantia de qualidade em medições de recursos de vento para projetos de parques eólicos” (Quality Assurance in Wind Resource Measurements for Wind Farm Projects), 4th Intern. Conference on Materials/Processes for Renewable Energy - Porto Alegre, Brazil 2014

Tower Design Constraints for Large Wind Turbines

Andreä A.:
“Restrições de projeto de torre para turbinas eólicas de grande porte” (Tower Design Constraints for Large Wind Turbines), 4th Intern. Conference on Materials/Processes for Renewable Energy – Porto Alegre, Brazil 2014

Aspects of Loads on Wind Turbines (Brazilian Standard NBR IEC 61400-1)

Andreä A.:
“Aspects of Loads on Wind Turbines (Brazilian Standard NBR IEC 61400-1)”, International Workshop on Small Wind Turbine Technology - Porto Alegre, Brazil 2013

Wind Resource and Site Assesment

Andreä A.:
“Wind Resource and Site Assesment”, International Workshop on Small Wind Turbine Technology - Porto Alegre, Brazil 2013

Development Accompanying Assessment - A new and efficient Approach for Development and Certification

Andreä A., Hille N.:
“Development Accompanying Assessment - A new and efficient Approach for Development and Certification”, Entwicklungsbegleitende Prüfung - Eine neue und effiziente Annäherung für Entwicklung und Zertifizierung), Konferenz EWEC - Brüssel, Belgien 2008

Development Accompanying Assessment - A New Tendency in the Certification Process

Andreä A., Hille N.:
“Entwicklungsbegleitende Prüfung – Eine neue Tendenz im Zertifizierungsprozess” (Development Accompanying Assessment - A New Tendency in the Certification Process), 'E.E.', Ed. 08-2007

Certification Procedures and General Design Requirements for Wind Turbines

Andreä A.:
"Zertifizierungsverfahren und generelle Designanforderungen an Windenergieanlagen" (Certification Procedures and General Design Requirements for Wind Turbines), seminar 'Windenergietechnologie im Focus der Normen' (Wind energy technology in the focus of standards), Haus der Technik - Essen, Germany 2007

Development Accompanying Assessment - A New and efficient Approach for Development and Certification

Andreä A., Hille N.:
“Development Accompanying Assessment - A New and efficient Approach for Development and Certification”, Conference DEWEK - Wilhelmshaven, Germany 2006

Type Certification of Wind Turbines and Project Certification – IEC WT01: IEC-System for Proof of Conformity and Certification of Wind Turbines 2001-04

Andreä A., Ferreras-Sánches A.:
“Certificación Tipo de Aerogeneradores y Certificación de Proyecto - IEC WT 01: Sistema IEC para la Prueba de Conformidad y Certificación de Aerogeneradores 2001-04” (Type Certification of Wind Turbines and Project Certification – IEC WT01: IEC-System for Proof of Conformity and Certification of Wind Turbines 2001-04), 'CV Energía', Edition 08-2006

Offshore Wind Energy – A technical guide for master course

Andreä A., Argyriadis K., Dalhoff P., Nath Chr., Schwartz S.:
“Offshore Wind Energy – A technical guide for master course“ (Offshore-Windenergie - Ein technischer Führer für Masterkurs), Kapitel 11, 'Standards and Certification', Multi Science Publishing, Ed. 04-2006

Case Study: Certification of Wind Turbines - Application for Marine Energy Converters

Andreä A.:
“Case Study: Certification of Wind Turbines - Application for Marine Energy Converters”, Workshop EMEC - Stromness, Scotland 2004

The new GL Wind Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines, Edition 2003 – Improvements to Edition 1999

Andreä, A.:
“The new GL Wind Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines, Edition 2003 – Improvements to Edition 1999”, Certification workshop at the Conference EWEC - Madrid, Spain 2003

A practical Guide for Quantifying Uncertainty in Load Measurements for Type Certification

Andreä A., Argyriadis A., Papadopoulos, K.:
“A practical Guide for Quantifying Uncertainty in Load Measurements for Type Certification”, Conference EWEC - Madrid, Spain 2003

Certification of Wind Turbines with Respect to GL Wind's Guidelines and International Standards Onshore/Offshore

Andreä A.:
“Certification of Wind Turbines with Respect to GL Wind's Guidelines and International Standards Onshore/Offshore”, Congress JIEEC - Bilbao, Spain 2003

Site Specific Certification of Wind Turbines Onshore and Offshore

Andreä A.:
“Site Specific Certification of Wind Turbines Onshore and Offshore”, Conference EWEC - Madrid, Spain 2003

Germanischer Lloyd to set up in Spain in 2003

Andreä A.:
“Germanischer Lloyd se instalará en España en 2003” (Germanischer Lloyd to set up in Spain in 2003), 'CV-Magazin', Edition 08-2002

New IEC 61400-1 and Site Conditions in Reality

Andreä A., Argyriadis K., Follrichs U.:
“New IEC 61400-1 and Site Conditions in Reality”, Conference EWEC - Nice, France 1998

Life Time Estimation for different Wind Conditions

Andreä A.:
“Lebensdauerabschätzung für verschiedene Windverhältnisse“ (Life Time Estimation for different Wind Conditions), 'Wind/Energie/Aktuell', Edition 10-1996

Life Time Prediction for different Wind Conditions

Andreä A.:
“Lebensdauervorhersage für verschiedene Windverhältnisse“ (Life Time Prediction for different Wind Conditions), 20. FGW-Workshop - Hamburg, Germany 1996

Certification of Wind Turbines considering Aeroelasticity

Andreä A., Argyriadis K., Schneider J.-D.:
Andreä A., Argyriadis K., Schneider J.-D.: “Zertifizierung von WEA unter Berücksichtigung der Aeroelastizität“ (Certification of Wind Turbines considering Aeroelasticity), Conference DEWEK -Wilhelmshaven, Germany 1996

Development and Test of an extruded Aluminum Rotor Blade under the Aspect of a Cost minimizing Series Production and Fatigue Strength

Andreä A., Huth D., Schöpfel A.:
Andreä A., Huth D., Schöpfel A.: “Entwicklung und Test eines Rotorblattes in Aluminium-Strangpressbauweise unter dem Aspekt einer kostengünstigen Serienfertigung und Betriebsfestigkeit“ (Development and Test of an extruded Aluminum Rotor Blade under the Aspect of a Cost minimizing Series Production and Fatigue Strength), Conference DEWEK - Wilhelmshaven, Germany 1994

Development of an extruded Aluminum Rotor Blade for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines and Cost minimizing Series Production

Andreä A.:
“Development of an extruded Aluminum Rotor Blade for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines and Cost minimizing Series Production”, Conference ECWEC - Lübeck-Travemünde, Germany 1993

A Way to Fitness for Market – Test of Wind Turbines in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog

Andreä A., Glocker, S., Richter B.:
“Ein Weg zur Marktreife – Test von Windkraftanlagen in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog“ (A Way to Fitness for Market – Test of Wind Turbines in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog), 'ENERGIE', Edition No. 42, 07-1990